25 March 2010

21st Century Librarians

Who are these 21st-century librarians? How many among your friends or family are in this line of field? Unless of course you are one of them, you'll be acquainted to most of them. Librarianship is not a popular profession even today, but it is slowly rising to the surface. Unbeknownst to many, there are a lot of works available to a graduate and qualified librarian. Nowadays, librarians are getting younger and younger and rapidly changes the shape and profile of the profession and the professionals.

Librarians today are a partner of the community not only in literacy advocacy but also in educating young people to become a life-long learners. Librarians, specially those who are working in school, have a great opportunity in raising children of today to love books and reading. 21st century has a great leap in technology, and so it is the of job of modern librarians to infuse reading with technology. I think that's the most important functions of modern librarians of today: making sure that books are still being read despite the advent of technology and also to keep instilling the value of reading.

Every professions should embrace this technology-driven era and keep up with it. Instead of deviating away from it, we should use it to our advantage. And so, in conclusion to this brief introductory blog, to me, 21st century librarians = books + reading + technology. The traditional skills of the librarians are still there but there is an additional important skill: technology skill.
